
ll across North America, school boards are realizing
that if they can go beyond the standard subjects and teach children some
guiding principles,
they will create a better environment in which to educate and will
ultimately help their students become better citizens. Most state
or provincial programs focus on between five and ten particular traits.
In Simcoe County, Ontario, where The Tales of Andergrimm was
commissioned and originally performed, the public school board features
the following ten traits in its “Commit to Character” initiative:
Honesty |
Responsibility |
Within the script and, even more so, the score of the show, these traits
are discussed, most by name, others merely in concept, but never in a
way that intrudes on or overshadows the story. (See the “Synopsis” for
info on which songs focus on which traits.) In the prologue of the show, ‘Choose to be Good,’ one portion of
the song lists all ten traits specific to the local school board, though
that portion of the song can be easily lifted out if desired.